So, input on this slapped-together idea for a bakery masthead (for lack of a better term). Particularly the input from the artsy-crafty side of the family is desired and encouraged. Not that I don't love the techy-mathy side of the family too, especially as it's the half I'm on, and I think it's funny how symmetric our fam is about that...but since Kevo's going in for digital media and Kerry already HAS a degree in graphic design... :-)
I'd like to put it on business cards, stickers holding the plastic wrap around goods together, etc.
Obviously it'll be updated with a phone number and a web address once I can get a web presence, before you snidely comment on its uselessness without that information ;-)
i like it. but what about a scone picture. do most people know what scones are???? love, mom
yeah...that was one of my big worries. Though if you believe my pastry cookbook, quote,
"Believe it or not, when I was growing up there wasn't a Starbucks coffee bar on every corner. The morning repertoire at the local coffee shop was a greasy doughnut or a lousy danish. Biscotti, espresso, and croissant were words we mispronounced, and scones were exotic little biscuits served at teatime on the other side of the Atlantic. Times have certainly changed. We no longer mispronounce European pastries and are fluent with the names of our coffee drinks. Scones, albeit flavored with unusual combinations and eaten at all times of the day, have become a household word."
*Le shrug*
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